How to Warm Up for a Performance

It’s finally the night of your big performance. You’re ready to shake off the nerves and hit the stage. Before you can wow the crowd, you’ve got to get yourself warmed up. Follow these steps to warm up for your performance.

1. Take slow, deep breaths.

Deep breathing calms your entire body down because it slows your mind. Try to clear your mind completely. Push aside any worries or fears as you breathe in and out.

Follow along with this video to calm your nerves.

2. Drink some water.

When you’re performing, a dry throat should be the least of your worries. Get your voice ready, whether you’re singing or merely introducing the next song on your set list, by drinking a cup of water before you hit the stage.

This video explains the importance of staying hydrated.

3. Stretch it out.

Now it’s time to get your body ready. Practice a few yoga poses or simple stretches to get your muscles prepped for rocking out. Stretching will get your blood pumping and your energy up.

Watch this video to learn a few great pre-show stretches.

Your performance is going to be amazing. Make sure that you’re ready by taking deep breathes, drinking water, and stretching beforehand. Your audience will thank you.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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