How To Turn Casual Viewers Into Channel Members

YouTube’s channel memberships feature allows creators with more than thirty thousand subscribers to ask their most loyal supporters for direct support. Like Patreon or Indiegogo, channel memberships function as a subscription service, in which the creator supplies certain rewards for different levels of support.

The more channel members you have, the higher your revenue becomes. Here are a few ways to turn even your most casual viewers into loyal channel members.

Engage with your viewers frequently to establish a strong connection.

What sets social media stars apart from traditional celebrities is the level of connection they have with their fans. Your career is completely built off the relationship you have with your audience, as they have to access your content directly rather than through a predetermined television schedule.

Therefore, you should focus on strengthening the connection you share with your audience. Engage with them as much as possible online, replying to tweets, commenting on tagged photos, and answering DMs. The closer they feel to you, the stronger their support will be.

Make channel member-only community posts an important part of your channel’s decision-making process.

On your community tab, you can make posts that only channel members can see. You can share pictures or even create polls. This is a great way to collect responses and other feedback for videos.

You should let these posts hold an important influence over your videos. Use channel member responses for your Q-and-A videos, let the poll results determine what video you make next, etc. In the videos themselves, be sure to mention you’re using results from a channel members-only post.

Create exclusivity with a lot of members-only live streams and extra videos.

One of the best ways to drive channel memberships is to create exclusivity. The more things you have for channel members only, the more curious your fans will be. All of your exclusive content can be hosted directly on your channel.

Start with members-only live streams. Announce the stream on your general community tab or other social media to give your viewers a chance to sign up for channel memberships beforehand. You can also upload behind-the-scenes videos, keep them on private, and share the links with your channel members.

Offer lower support tiers.

Finally, in order to increase your overall number of channel members, offer lower support tiers. It will probably be easier to get a hundred people to give $5 a month than five people to give $100 a month.

Every support tier should offer different rewards, and the exclusivity should increase with each new level. For example, at $5 a month, a fan could get access to your members-only community posts and live streams, but at $15 a month, they might get early access to videos.

In order to turn your casual viewers into channel members, engage with your audience but create exclusivity with your channel membership program. Offer lower support tiers to make it more accessible.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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