How to Trend on YouTube

“Trending” on YouTube is a simple way to truly establish your YouTube presence and watch your follower count skyrocket. The videos that trend generate views instantly. Becoming featured on the trending page might take some time and effort, but the results will be worth it.

Here are a few tips to make your video become a trend.

1. Know what’s trending.

Videos that trend on YouTube can fall into any category; vlogs, music videos, trailers, tutorials, etc. Commentaries on and parodies of current events (examples: the presidential election or Ryan Lochte’s false robbery story) trend frequently as well. It is important to analyze what is currently relevant and entertaining to viewers; as well as to you.

2. Know your tags.

Tags were created to help viewers locate videos that they would be personally interested in. When writing your tags, don’t hesitate to tag more, rather than less. Give your videos the best possible chance of being discovered.

3. Pick an enticing title.

Make viewers want to click on your video! Be descriptive and do what you can to make your video sound interesting and appealing. Instead of posting your “September Lookbook,” title it “Fall Fashion Under 50$.” If you’re posting an acoustic cover, include the artist’s name in the title to make it as searchable as possible. Instead of, “Self Control (acoustic),” make it “Self Control by Frank Ocean (acoustic cover).”

4. Promote your video on social media.

Raising awareness about your video or videos can be made easier by using other online platforms; take to Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or any other forms of social media to promote your work.

Trending can be an indicator that you’ve “made it” in the YouTube community. Trend if you can but make sure to stay true to yourself and your original visions when working towards that!

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Jana, a blogging intern, enjoys movies, the French language, and Cool Ranch Doritos.

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