How to Successfully Promote Your Next Video

Video promotion is most successful when you plan ahead. Follow these steps to promote your next video with ease.

1. Tease it on social media.

If you want people to watch your video, then you should start by getting them interested. Post screenshots to Instagram. Turn your Snapchat story into a behind-the-scenes tour. Share a short preview on Twitter.

The more you tease your video, the more people will see it. Be sure not to give everything away, though.

Lilly Singh teased her new vlog by sharing her last one.

2. Share the link in as many places as possible.

As soon as your video is finished uploading, your fingers should be flying on your keyboard to copy and paste the link in as many places as possible. Post the link to the social media where you get the most traffic first. Then, share it every few days until your next video is posted.

Bunny Meyer tweets about each new video multiple times.

3. Cross-promote with a network of content creators.

Get your video shared with new audiences by sharing other content creators’ videos with yours. Before uploading your next video, ask a few other YouTubers in your network if they’d like to do a cross-promotional collaboration. Then, all of you will upload your videos during the same time period and share each other’s video links.

Jessie Paege often cross-promotes with a team of fellow content creators.

Video promotion is easy when you begin with a plan in mind. Follow these steps to successfully promote your next new video.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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