How to Nail an Audition

No matter what talent you choose to pursue, the audition process is unavoidable. Many talented musicians are discovered on YouTube and called into an office to meet with casting directors, talent agents, or band managers. During that time, it is important that you perform well enough to get to the next step.

These tips will help you master any audition.

1. Be on time.

This goes for any meetings you have with industry professionals. Always, always, always be on time. It’s a huge deal breaker if people get the impression that you are difficult to work with.

In reality, there are plenty other people that they can find to fill the spot you are auditioning for, so take it seriously and never be late.

2. Shake off your nerves.

When you’re performing in front of a group of people, the last thing they want to see is that you’re uncomfortable in front of an audience. Even if you’re nervous, do your best not to show it.

Think motivating thoughts and be confident in your musical ability. You got this far, now show them what you’re made of!

3. Be prepared.

Prior to the audition, find out if they want you to perform an original piece, a piece that they choose, or anything that you want. Practice that song every waking second before stepping into the audition.

Always bring your instrument! Even if you are just going to a meeting with an agent, bring your instrument. You never know when someone is going to ask you to play something.

4. Make eye contact.

Eye contact is a powerful tool to show that you are confident and excited. It also proves that you are not shy or nervous. Always look people directly in the eyes when they are speaking to you and when you are performing.

5. Be yourself.

Let your personality shine, of course! Be your quirky, exciting, fun self. This will show them that you are more than just a talented musician, you are a great person.

Also, don’t compare yourself to other people auditioning. Everyone has different talents and levels of skills. Just go in there and show them what you’ve got!

Sometimes auditioning can be scary, but with these tips you’re sure to nail any audition you go to in the future.

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Corinne Rivera appreciates every type of music, which stems from her experience in dance and playing the guitar and the flute. She currently resides in San Francisco where she studies electronic communications, explores the city’s art, and attends concerts of all genres.

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