How to Create Long Distance Collaborations

The Internet is a great tool to connect people on opposite sides of the world with similar interests. YouTubers, in particular, are often combining their talents with other video makers.

Collaborating with fellow YouTubers is an outstanding way to gain followers and exposure in front of other audiences. YouTube collaborations can be formed anytime, anywhere.

Here are some tips on how to form a collaboration over a long distance.

1. Take advantage of modern communication tools.

Nowadays, communicating with people in other countries is becoming easier and easier. There are many applications and websites to use for constant access to communication.

With that being said, it is easy to determine a strategy for what you want to accomplish by working together and how you will each contribute to the production.

2. Organize times to discuss details.

Set a schedule of when you will be able to meet online to either video chat or message each other concerning the details of your collaboration. It is important that you stick to the schedule and take into account of any time differences.

Before you meet with your collaborator, write down things you want to discuss about the video you are working on. Take advantage of this time to sort out anything you need to.

3. Send private YouTube videos of your progress.

If you want to send your collaboration partner your progress on a song or a video, you can upload a video of it to YouTube privately and send it to whomever you want. This can be done on your own time, and the collaborator will be able to watch it at his or her convenience.

4. Pull your own weight.

With any collaboration project, it is important for each person to contribute equal effort in the finished product. Don’t get sucked into doing all the work and then allow the other person to post it on their own channel. Make sure you each are pulling your own weight and you’re working together to make the best video you can.

Collaborations are the best way to grow your YouTube following, especially in different countries. Create collaborations with people from all over the world. Remember these tips to be sure that your process runs smoothly.

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Corinne Rivera appreciates every type of music, which stems from her experience in dance and playing the guitar and the flute. She currently resides in San Francisco where she studies electronic communications, explores the city’s art, and attends concerts of all genres.

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