How To Make The Most Out Of YouTube Premieres

YouTube Premieres combine the immediacy of a live stream with the efficiency of a typical upload. When done right, a premiere can help you get a lot more viewers as soon as your new video goes live.

Here’s how to make the most out of YouTube Premieres, according to the official YouTube Creators account.

Upload your premiere a few hours before its planned release.

If you upload your premiere a couple of days before it’s scheduled to go live, then your viewers could forget about it pretty easily. They might also get the notification about a new video then be disappointed they have to wait so long.

Therefore, the sweet spot for uploading premieres is one to three hours before the video’s release. This gives viewers enough time to get ready and get excited, but it doesn’t force them to wait an entire day or more.

You should also promote your premiere on both social media and your community page. Invite viewers to chat with you on the watch page for an hour or so before the video goes live.

Engage with your live viewers on the watch page after the premiere ends.

After your premiere ends, keep the conversation going on your watch page. Engage with your viewers. Get their feedback. Ask them what they liked about the video and what they’d like to see next.

If you do this for every premiere, viewers will be much more likely to tune in the second the video goes live. Instead of waiting to watch later, they’ll join the premiere for the chance to chat with you afterwards.

To maximize the number of viewers who stick around afterwards, make sure to tell them you’ll still be on the watch page before the premiere begins. You can post about it while the premiere is happening as well.

Enable chat replay for your latecomers.

You don’t want latecomers to feel like they missed all the action. Help them get caught up by enabling chat replay for the video. Then, they can still see the conversation other viewers had. They won’t have to miss out on any new inside jokes or cool insights other fans share.

If you want to give your viewers more ways to interact with your premiere, then you can also enable Super Chat. This feature offers viewers the opportunity to send premium messages into the live chat.

YouTube Premieres can boost your view count on upload day. Utilize this feature by following the tips above, and share your own tips in the comments!

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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