How Singers Can Find Their Sound

Bringing the audience to tears or sending chills down their spines is how every aspiring singer wants their audience to respond. Most singers starting out have been hit with the reality of vocal restrictions. Maybe singing that Beyoncé ballad did not go over as smoothly as you had hoped. There are some simple techniques to finding your perfect sound and having unconditional confidence on stage.

Here are some helpful tips for singers wanting to awe an audience.

1. Determine your range.

Determining if you are a soprano, bass, alto, or tenor is one of the first steps you should take when trying to discover your sound. It will help determine vocal limitations and whether you’re able to belt an eight-octave Mariah Carey tune or if you should stay with a five-note Taylor Swift song.

2. Play with strange noises.

There is a lot of room for conflict for first time singers, such as straining the throat to sing higher or creating vibrato by clenching the jaw. Playing with a vast amount of noises.  Exaggerating a nasally tone  or singing into a yawn can help correct these issues and will help you come in tact with your true sound.

3. Mimic other singers.

Finding a starting point is sometimes the trickiest part to any path. Mimicking helps a person find a needle in a haystack.  Beginner singers should attempt to belt like Kelly Clarkson or sing soulfully like Adele. Eventually an original technique will click, and you will find your own way.

4. Find a musical preference.

It is essential to find a genre in which you favor. Stick to performing songs of genres that you enjoy because the passion (or lack thereof) will directly translate into a bad performance.

5.  Be patient and persistent. 

There are many beliefs that singing is a God-given talent, and to a certain extent, it is. In reality though, the talent of singing begins as a seed that needs consistent nourishment in order to bloom accordingly. So patience and persistence is required because there will be many unexpected issues, boundaries and doubts attached this voyage.

Singing is a hobby and career that allows room for self-expression. Finding a style is the first step to this beautiful, stress relieving, creative outlet.

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Roselie Kelly loves to explore and meet new people. She recently moved to Dublin Ireland, where she spends her time teaching English as a foreign language, running, picking up new hobbies and being a dutiful temp receptionist/runner/errand girl/cookie snatcher!

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