How To Determine What Camera Is Right For You

You’ve been making videos, and you’ve found a rise in popularity with your channel. You decide it’s time to upgrade your equipment, so you start looking for a new camera. There are many options out on the market today, each offering its own sets of features. As each camera represents at least a couple hundred dollars of investment, it is imperative to do your research and really understand what your needs are.

Here are a few tips to help you find the right camera for your videos and save money while doing so.

1. Consider what kind of content you are creating.

While all content has its niche, not all cameras are right for all content. If you are shooting really short videos or are making Vines, consider investing in an iPhone 6 or a nice Android. These phones put the power of 4k resolution into your hands, and as a result, they have incredible quality. If you’re shooting more lengthy content, try looking at camcorders, GoPros, or even DSLRs.

Each camera will add a different quality to what you shoot, so be aware of how you want your video to look.

2. Consider the equipment you already have.

Most content creators go for DSLRs. These cameras come with a lot of options for shooting both photography and videos, and most can shoot in 1080p. The only downside is that most don’t come with onboard microphones, and the ones that do aren’t high quality.

If you already have audio recording equipment, then a DSLR may be right for you. If you don’t, be aware that a DSLR will be a more expensive investment. Take stock of what you already have at your disposal, and compare what features cameras come with to the equipment you have.

3. Figure out your budget.

The most important thing is deciding and sticking to a budget. There’s no need to rush out a buy the RED Cinema Camera right out of the gate. Better equipment will always be out there, and you can always upgrade further down the road. It is important to find the camera that fulfills only your basic requirements. This will allow you to maintain a reasonable budget and save money to put back into your content.

Start small and work your way up. Don’t spend the money on features you don’t need. Keep in mind what you can spend and what you need when making your final decision.

Upgrading to a new camera is an exciting milestone in creating content, and it should be celebrated as one. Just be sure to consider what content you create, what equipment you already have, and what your budget is before buying a new one. With all of that in mind, you will find the perfect camera for your needs.

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Anthony Mauro is a San Francisco State graduate who splits his time between the Bay Area and San Diego. He spends his free time thinking long hair is cool, playing video games for an online audience, and writing short stories, comic books, and novels.

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