What You Can Learn From 3 Successful Educational Channels

Educational YouTube videos generate high traffic and recurring views because they provide answers to questions, random facts, and general knowledge that viewers are interested in. By searching up certain topics, whether for homework help, test prep, or pure curiosity, viewers can very readily find answers and visualize them.

The following three channels are a few of the most popular academic channels on YouTube.

1. Khan Academy

What started as a college student’s style of tutoring high school students soon became a well-received math help channel on YouTube. As word spread of Khan Academy’s science and math videos (among many other subjects) that were easy to follow and understand, the channel grew and reached millions of students. In every video, founder Salman Khan reviews concepts and vocabulary first before diving into an example (and more examples in different videos, so as to keep the video length fairly short and unintimidating).

For visual learners, watching (and pausing) Khan’s written, drawn, and spoken explanations help them learn and review the material more deeply. He also uses different colors to write and draw different concepts. For example, for a calculus problem, he would use purple to draw the f graph and blue to draw the g graph. Khan really makes an effort to put out clear, easy-to-follow explanations, which is why students always turn to his channel.

2. Crash Course

John and Hank Green of the VlogBrothers created a channel called “CrashCourse” whose target audience is students (hence, the name). They make videos covering practically every subject taught in high school and college, and the main goal of every video is to help students review material.

Like Khan Academy videos, Crash Course videos have a fair length so as to keep students watching. Crash Course videos also have entertaining and minimalistic graphics and animation to go with their explanations; this keeps students attentive and also helps them visualize the concepts.

3. ASAPScience

Whereas the previous two channels are geared more towards helping students learn and review school topics, ASAPScience is geared towards providing scientific answers to random topics. Many videos debunk common myths and explain common facts. They also answer curious questions, such as how many hours a student should sleep. Videos are short in length, and explanations are drawn out on a whiteboard in stop-motion animation format accompanied by a clear voiceover.

ASAPScience videos aren’t aimed at helping students prepare for tests and review concepts, but they do provide the answers to random thoughts viewers may search on YouTube on a whim. For example, the channel has videos such as “What Does Your Accent Say About You?”, “How Is Your Phone Changing You?”, and “Is Makeup Bad For You?”. Because these are questions everyone has, the channel has plenty of views and boasts over five million subscribers.

The reason educational videos receive so many views is because they answer questions that everyone has. In a world where the answer is just a click away, YouTube has become a top platform for students looking for homework help, test preparation, and answers to general curiosities. If you’re passionate about putting your academic background to use and educating the public, engage in the proper research and give this a shot!

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Angelina Hue enjoys listening to a wide variety of music, from instrumental movie scores to alternative indie to Korean pop music. She also likes to make short films and write fiction.