How to Create Killer Social Media Content

Looking for new ways to beef up your social media game and set your page apart from everyone else’s? Try these simple techniques to add original, intriguing content to your social media.

1) Use a smartphone or GoPro camera to add video content to your page. A little creativity and innovation can result in some mind-blowing GoPro content. Try putting one on your drummer or your guitarist’s headstock – fans will love the bird’s-eye view of your performance. Take cameras to the street and videotape a day in the band’s crazy life.

2) Create free polls to engage your audience and give them a say in your creative decisions. Let them vote on a show or after party theme, the title to your next song, or even an original song or cover they want to hear in your next set.

3) Theme your Facebook page to give your band another dimension of personality and content. If your band sings about surfing or has skaters on its album artwork, those would make good themes, so add related videos from the net. Designate a specific day of the week to your theme so that your group and fans can share and bond over videos on the subject – Surfing Sunday for example. This will generate buzz around your name and give your page energy and momentum.

Learn how to promote your music here:

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