How to Choose the Right Cover Song

The most common way for new musicians to expose their talent is through cover songs. As an up and coming musician, it is important to choose the right songs to sing. Not all artists can perform every type of song perfectly. For example, Norah Jones would probably not be able to master every Beyonce song, and vice versa. As a musician performing covers, it is important to choose the right songs that will make your voice sound best.

Here are different ways to choose the right song to cover.

1. Pick a song that is trending.

Whenever a cool, new song comes on the radio, listeners tend to get addicted pretty fast. They love to listen to it frequently, and they love to find different versions of it. Whether you are a DJ who remixes songs, or you like to sing covers, picking a popular song is vital. The more recent and popular the song is the better. This way you may become the first person on the internet to do a cover, which will result in plenty of views.

2. Choose a throwback song that is still popular.

Aside from choosing a song that is new and trending, covering an amazing throwback can be just as effective! This can be a little challenging because throwbacks are not as known compared to trending songs today. But there are plenty of older songs that people will recognize. The main advantage that throwback songs hold is that they bring a nostalgic feeling to the listener. Although new songs are great, a good old throwback can take the viewer (and yourself) down memory lane.

3. Pick a song in which you can leave your mark. 

One thing that makes covers extremely successful is that the singer is putting their own twist to the song. Unfortunately, not all songs can be reconstructed to fit your specific style of music. A popular way musicians make a cover their own is to take a high beat pop song and strip it down to acoustic. Find your style of music and choose songs that you can manipulate to your preferred genre.

Choosing the perfect song to sing seems easy at first, but can be a stressful process. If the right song is chosen, it can get your music career off to a splendid start.

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Maria Kristina Lander is Bay Area born and raised. She loves napping with her dog and taking long walks to her favorite ramen place. One day she hopes to be a reporter that will not only give you information, but also perspective.

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