How to Be More Than a One-Hit Wonder

Practically everyone uploads at least something on YouTube these days. Among that group, a small, lucky percentage go viral. However, these viral trends fade quickly, and those uploaders often become one-hit wonders. If you intend on maintaining a constant presence on YouTube with your videos, use the following three tips to guide your process.

1. Don’t rely solely on current viral trends for video concepts.

Viral trends fade quickly; after a week or two, these viral videos will no longer be popular or entertaining. Especially in this day and age, people have shorter attention spans and get tired of things relatively easily. So, do not rely solely on current trends for video concepts, because you’ll find it even harder to upload and maintain subscribers.

For example, if one of your videos goes viral, people will talk about you for a few days. In time, your “fame” will fade, and so will your channel. Soon, a new trend will pop up, and your video will be outdated. Also, if you keep jumping from viral trend to viral trend, your channel will not have a clear theme, and it will likely become too messy and inconsistent for people to subscribe to. So, stay away from relying only on these trends for uploads.

Recently, “100 Layers of …” videos have been trending on YouTube. People watch these kinds of videos because they’re strangely intrigued. However, no one would really subscribe to a channel that dedicates itself to uploading videos like this every week. The following video inspired the entire “100 Layers” trend, but it soon disappeared as people grew tired of the weird concept.

2. Outline a clear theme for your channel.

With the previous tip in mind, the best way to maintain a successful YouTube channel is to stay consistent. Subscribers stay with you for a reason: they like your content. As long as you stay consistent in your theme, you will hold onto subscribers and always have a guide to follow for video ideas.

For example, if your channel is primarily makeup content, your subscribers will expect makeup videos, and you’ll always find video inspiration in different makeup looks, hauls, etc. Outlining a clear theme for your channel will both help your channel stay organized for subscribers and your content.

You can, however, post other videos (like the viral trends mentioned above) in addition to your regular uploads to spice things up. Just make sure you don’t stray from channel’s main focus.

A good example of a channel with a clear theme is MusicNeverSleeps and other similar singing channels. These YouTubers consistently upload covers, and they also upload vlogs and behind the scenes videos from time to time.

3. Make sure you’re starting your channel for a good, solid reason.

Only when you have an ambitious goal to reach for do you really have the drive to do anything at all. So, if you intend to build up a lasting presence on YouTube, make sure you’re starting your channel with a good goal in mind.

Whether your reason to start a channel is to create an outlet for your creative expression (short films, comedy sketches, etc.), document your adventures in college or abroad, or inspire fellow DIY-enthusiasts, make sure this solid base is there. This will also help you create a theme for your channel, and you’ll find that brainstorming and filming weekly videos will be a lot easier with this broad guide.

BathBoysComedy started as a place for a group of four Chapman University students to upload their original comedy sketches. Since their first upload, they’ve consistently uploaded comedy sketches in the hopes of simply entertaining viewers in SNL-like fashion.

As in life, goals inspire hard work. As long as you have a personal goal for your channel and outline a theme based on this, you’ll definitely be able to regularly upload videos not solely reliant upon fickle trends. So, work hard and don’t forget the reason you’re uploading content onto the Internet.

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Angelina Hue enjoys listening to a wide variety of music, from instrumental movie scores to alternative indie to Korean pop music. She also likes to make short films and write fiction.

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