How This Video Got More Than 300,000 Views In 2 Hours

Rclbeauty101 is one of the most popular beauty channels on YouTube. However, its creator, Rachel Levin, has recently been expanding into lifestyle and comedy content. Her latest video got more than 300,000 views within two hours of being uploaded.

Here’s how Rachel’s video got so popular so quickly.

1. She built up a strong base of subscribers before diversifying her content.

Rachel built up a subscriber count of more than 11.6 million with daily DIY content. As these faithful viewers fell in love with Rachel’s content, they fell in love with her personality, too. Once she had a strong subscriber base, she could start experimenting with different kinds of content.

Here’s one of the DIY videos that Rachel’s viewers loved the most.

2. She encourages viewers to turn on post notifications.

In her videos, Rachel often reminds her new viewers to turn on post notifications. That way, they’ll never miss a new video, and she’ll get more views more quickly.

Here’s one of Rachel’s recent videos.

3. The video was relatable to the channel’s target audience.

The majority of Rachel’s viewers are children and young teenagers. Therefore, the “crush” topic was perfect for her audience. By choosing a topic that many of her viewers could relate to, Rachel ensured that more of them would watch her new video.

Here’s another relatable video that Rachel made.

Rclbeauty101 videos get a lot of views quickly because they’re relatable to the channel’s target audience and because the viewers are reminded to turn on post notifications. Follow these tips in order to start getting more views on your new videos.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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