How This Video Got 200,000 Views In 24 Hours

YouTube icon jennxpenn has been making videos since 2009. This professional internet person’s most recent video garnered more than 200,000 views just 24 hours after it was uploaded.

Here’s how Jenn’s video got so many views so quickly.

1. She recreated one of her most popular videos.

After Jenn’s February video “Letting A Stranger Spend My Money” got more than 800,000, she decided to try out the same concept again. However, this time, she added a twist by letting a stranger buy weird food instead.

If you make a splash with one video, why not try again? However, instead of just making a part two, do another version of the same video with a different twist.

Check out the original video below.

2. It featured a popular app.

In her video, Jenn let a stranger spend her money through the app Postmates, which is an Uber-style delivery service. She sent the Postmates delivery person a request to spend $100 on gross food at Ralph’s, and he most certainly delivered.

Popular apps are something that a lot of your viewers will already be interested in. By incorporating them into your videos, you’ll capture a younger audience.

Storytime vlogger Tana Mongeau gets a lot of views on her Uber videos.

3. It was laugh-out-loud hilarious.

The number one reason that Jenn is so popular is that all of her videos are hilarious. Her dry humor makes her videos highly shareable, and she doesn’t operate on too many ‘inside jokes’ like many popular YouTubers do. Her videos are funny to nearly every viewer.

Check out one of Jenn’s most popular videos here.

Jennxpenn has made a career out of posting hilarious and relevant videos. Follow these tips, and you’ll be a YouTube star in no time.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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