How This Video Got To #3 On Trending

YouTuber Roman Atwood has been sharing the journey of his girlfriend’s pregnancy with his audience. His daily vlogs have been following along as his family grows, and after the birth of his new baby, Roman’s latest videos have been on the top of YouTube’s trending page.

In fact, his latest video got to #3, receiving more than 5.5 million views the day it was uploaded. Here’s how it happened.

1. He shared an announcement that viewers had been waiting for.

The Atwood family announced the birth of their baby a few days ago, but viewers had to wait to find out her name. By keeping the name they chose under wraps during the pregnancy, Roman ensured that he would have a great video down the road.

2. He built up anticipation for this kind of video.

As mentioned before, Roman has been vlogging his girlfriend’s pregnancy for the past several months. By making his viewers a part of the journey, Roman built up a ton of anticipation for the big moment.

3. More viewers pay attention to personal, relatable videos.

There’s a reason that family vloggers are so popular on YouTube. Raising children and maintaining a relationship are things that many people can relate to or aspire to. By sharing his life with viewers, Roman created a community who cared deeply about his baby girl.

Roman Atwood got to the top of the trending page by sharing the birth of his daughter with his viewers. By taking viewers along on your personal journey, you can get your videos trending, too.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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