How This Unique Channel Gets Millions Of Views

Even though the channel Joseph’s Machines has less than a million subscribers, their videos average a couple million views. In fact, the most popular video on the channel has more than seventy-five million views.

Here’s how this unique channel gets millions of views.

The premise of the channel is unlike anything else on YouTube.

Growing up, many people daydreamed about building wacky and complicated machines out of household objects. Often featured in children’s TV shows, these machines operate like dominoes, each part propelling the energy forward.

Joseph is living out everyone’s childhood fantasy by making these machines for a living. Because they’re so intricate, his wild creations are unlike anything else on YouTube.

The channel focuses on quality over quantity.

Currently, Joseph’s Machines posts only a few new videos a month. If Joseph and his friends cobbled together a quick project a couple times a week, then the channel would be able to upload more frequently. However, a more frequent upload schedule may require the sacrifice of quality.

One of the reasons Joseph’s Machines does so well is the channel’s focus on quality over quantity. A lot of craft and creativity goes into each video, which viewers really appreciate. The time and effort it takes to make these videos help set the channel apart.

The videos are timely and relatable.

Many of the videos from Joseph’s Machines go viral because they’re posted at the right time. They’re often seasonal, such as Christmas or summer-themed videos. The videos are often relatable as well, showcasing a complicated solution to a common problem like doing the dishes or feeding your cat.

More recently, Joseph’s Machines uploaded a video in response to current events. It was inspired by the social distancing measures enacted worldwide.

Joseph’s Machines gets millions of views because of the whimsical and unique concept of each video. The time and craft that goes into each upload also sets them up for success.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.