How These Creators Used Collaboration To Skyrocket Their Channels

Extreme sports and YouTube go hand-in-hand. YouTube is the perfect platform for pro BMX riders to share their stuff with the world. There is a community of riders who are growing exponentially on YouTube right now, and here’s how they are doing it.

1. The videos are exciting.

The pro BMX life is a pretty thrilling one, and if there’s anything to take away from the vlog era, it’s that a thrilling life can get an audience. These riders bomb massive hills, ride through traffic in Manhattan, do insane tricks at skate parks, and strap on GoPros while doing it.

Who wouldn’t want to watch that?

2. Collaboration is key.

These riders really are a community. Every other week or so, they fly out to visit each other or meet-up in some big city and shoot a video together. At the end, they plug each of their YouTube channels and social media accounts.

Sometimes the videos even shout out a specific video from a different channel. If a person subscribes to one channel, they’ll be exposed to ten more within the month.

3. Each channel offers something a little different.

Billy Perry produces high-quality videos of riding through traffic, tricking in parks, and exploring unique spots. He releases a video about once a week. Austin Augie, on the other hand, releases a vlog that is centered around his everyday life which just happens to involve a ton of BMX. His videos are released daily. Anthony Panza mostly releases videos centered around trick lines and assembling bikes.

A BMX fan could subscribe to and watch all of them without getting a sense of redundancy.

This community is a prime example of creating a network for an audience. YouTube isn’t some competition. If there are people out there releasing the same type of stuff you do, that’s an opportunity for collaboration, which leads to more exposure to an audience that already enjoys your genre of content.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Gabriel Dufurrena is a mathematician, writer, and educator living in Oakland, CA. When he’s not watching youtube videos or teaching math, he’s riding his bike through rush hour traffic.

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