Why This Family Was Named Creator On The Rise

YouTube often features a new “Creator On The Rise” on the top of its trending page. This week, that coveted spot belongs to the JK today. This family of vloggers has more than 40,000 subscribers and tons of fantastic videos.

Here’s why the JK today was named creator on the rise.

1. They create content in a niche that’s rapidly gaining popularity.

During the summer, the trending page was filled with the vlogs leading up to the birth of Roman Atwood’s baby. Family vlogs are booming in popularity, whether they’re documenting their daily lives or creating silly videos together.

The JK today family gives viewers a peek into what it’s like to grow up in a family with three kids.

2. They post daily videos.

This family posts a new video almost every day of the week. Whether it’s a back-to-school haul or an update on the eldest’s braces, viewers are always along for the ride.

Having a frequent upload schedule is a strong move for a channel that focuses on “day in the life” content.

3. They produce videos with wide appeal.

Having so many people on the vlog channel means that there’s a lot of different content they can be producing. The family’s videos appeal to everyone from girls their daughters’ ages to other parents who miss having their grown children at home. There’s something for everyone to enjoy.

The family behind the JK today was named creator on the rise because its content falls perfectly in line with what viewers want. It’s good, clean fun that the entire family can enjoy together.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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