How the Shaytards Built a Vlogging Empire

The “Shaytards” is a youtube channel that was created by YouTuber Shay Carl.  Started in 2008 and with nearly 5 million subscribers, Shay Carl is the “OG” of family vlogging.  The Shaytards channel focuses on daily life of the Butler family featuring Shay, his wife, five children and various pets and family members.  The amount of family vloggers on YouTube exploded after people realized how popular the Butlers became and how they too could become successful vlogging their family on YouTube

Here are four ways that the Shaytards have been able to grow their vlogging empire and continue to be popular.

1. Stay consistent.

For five years the Shaytards uploaded vlogs on a daily basis.  During their sixth year they moved from a daily schedule to a five day a week schedule.  Always announce when schedules are going to change or when there will be a disruption in posting.  By being honest and consistent with posting habits, your fans will always be able to know what to expect and when they will be able to watch new content.

2. Have a variety of content.

Because they are uploading everyday, it would’ve been easy for their vlogs to become boring and dull. Because they upload a variety of content, they are able to keep their viewers interested and attract new subscribers.  Their videos range from their daily lives, travels, and letting their children be in charge of the vlogs for a day.  They have uploaded skits, songs and even fad videos like the Harlem Shake.

The Shaytards are able to capitalize on their environment and do it in a way that can entertain all types of viewers, from children to adults. The video below is a great example of their variety of videos.

3. Create more than just videos. 

Aside from daily vlogging, the Shaytards have other projects that they are heavily invested in.  Shay and his son have recently written a widely successful book called “Fat Dad, Fat Kid” after their journey with weight loss.  Shay has also created a clothing line in collaboration with friends and other family members.  The clothing is sold online, during events like Vidcon and Playlist, and in stores.  Occasionally, they will live stream to their audience through Youtube’s live streaming service.

By having projects aside from videos, you will be able to broaden your reach to a wider audience.

4. Promote others and give back.

Shay got his start from a shoutout by YouTuber Phil Defranco and he has given back in the same way he got started.  On many different occasions, Shay has shouted out and promoted other YouTubers.  By doing this, he is helping others make their way on YouTube, showing his kindness, and showing that he hasn’t forgotten how he started.

Always interact with other youtubers and promote them as well.  The positivity that you give will come back to you.

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Lydia Panko is an avid music listener, with her favorite genres being acoustic and alternative.  She is also currently a senior at Ohio University studying marketing.

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