How Mylifeaseva Made it Big on Youtube

If you don’t know YouTuber Eva Gutowski from her channel mylifeaseva, you will soon. With over 7 million subscribers and half a billion video views, Eva is one of the top content creators. She started her channel only four years ago as a hobby, and now it’s a full-blown career.

Here’s how she successfully grew her channel.

1.  Take a typical video and put a creative twist on it.

Lookbooks are really common videos. For some YouTubers, it’s a must depending on what type of content they focus on, like beauty or fashion. But, at some point, watching basic lookbooks can get boring or overplayed. Eva realized this and did something different to the standard fashion video. She added a story to it and created a narrative that was more than just showing off clothes.

Instead of creating typical videos, find a way to change them to make them unique.

2.  Don’t be afraid to be different.

After making strictly fashion and beauty videos, Eva started to make comedy skits. She explained that it was something she always wanted to do, and she wasn’t going to let her beauty based channel stop her.

Don’t hesitate to try something outside of your expertise.

3.  Make fun of yourself.

We all have our flaws, but most of us don’t have the entire YouTube community criticizing us. The more famous Eva got, more “haters” came along. It’s hard to evolve or change when you have millions of people analyzing your every move.

Instead of being angry about the negative things people say about her, Eva chose to go along with it and make fun of herself. When trying to brand yourself on YouTube, you need to have thick skin. Being able to laugh at yourself is a great way to not get discouraged by mean comments you may read online.

Different youtubers have rose to fame in different ways. They are all creative and aren’t afraid of being different. Eva is a great example of someone who is not afraid to think outside of the box, and because of that, her channel is a major success.

Maria Kristina Lander is Bay Area born and raised. She loves napping with her dog and taking long walks to her favorite ramen place. One day she hopes to be a reporter that will not only give you information, but also perspective.

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