3 Things All Live Audiences Will Remember

As a musician, it is important to keep your live audiences captivated and interested.  There are things that can be done to keep the fans rolling in and make sure they remember your show!

Musicians can take these three steps to keep their audience interested and gain more fans.

1. Give away free things. 

Everyone loves free stuff! All audience members will be excited to get free branded things from musicians.  Free items can be handed out in line while the audience is waiting to get in the venue or can be given out during the show by throwing them out into the audience while performing on stage.

Stickers and buttons are perfect examples of items that can be given away for free to the audience.  They are fairly inexpensive to make and purchase in bulk, which will allow bands and musicians to hand them out for free without breaking the bank. By giving away freebies it is a great way to show fans that you want them to have an enjoyable experience at the shows.

2. Sell custom merchandise.

Selling merchandise is a big way musicians make money.  It is important to offer more than just a single t-shirt, poster or CD when selling merchandise. Smaller items like shot glasses and bracelets are great items to sell because they are generally less expensive, so audience members will be more inclined to purchase them.

3. Interact with the audience. 

To keep fans coming back for future performances, it is important to interact with the audience as much as possible.  Tell the audience how much you appreciate them being there and convince them to sing along!

The video below is a great example of fan interaction. “Forever the Sickest Kids” play for the fans at their merch tent during warped tour.

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Lydia Panko is an avid music listener, with her favorite genres being acoustic and alternative.  She is also currently a senior at Ohio University studying marketing.

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