How Dumond Chemicals Successfully Employs YouTube Marketing

In the modern age, technology is the best way to reach your customers. YouTube is one of the best platforms for reaching potential and returning customers alike. Dumond Chemicals is one such company that successfully employs YouTube marketing. Here’s what makes their strategy so effective.

1. They demonstrate how to properly use their products.

Whereas a television commercial can showcase your product for thirty seconds, a YouTube video can show customers exactly how to use it. Dumond Chemicals keeps their customers safe and informed by producing instructional videos for their various graffiti removers and paint removers.

This video gives a great explanation of how customers can use the Watch Dog Wipe Out Porous Surface Graffiti Remover to safely restore historic stone.

2. They post tutorials featuring their own products.

Not only does Dumond Chemicals provide their customers with instructional videos, but they also release videos about how to use the company’s products to complete certain projects. They have tutorials on everything from setting up an airless sprayer to complete paint removal.

When you watch this tutorial on how to conduct a patch test, take note of the use of subtitles and other visuals to guide customers.

3. Their channel is well-organized.

Customers and viewers will more likely to spend time on your company’s channel if the content is well-organized. For example, Dumond Chemicals organizes its videos into playlists such as “Project Profiles” and “Education and Training.” They also have their content organized by product.

This video, for example, falls under the category “Watch Dog Products.”

Dumond Chemicals is the kind of company that’s bringing marketing into the digital age. By using YouTube to showcase your products and educate your customers, you, too, can reach new customers through YouTube marketing.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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