How Bad Lip Readings Became a YouTube Sensation

With almost 700 million views, Bad Lip Readings have created an entirely new form of entertainment. The maker of Bad Lip Readings takes popular videos and replaces the audio with hilarious, random words. Ranging from films to political debates, the content of Bad Lip Reading’s channel is always fresh and funny.

Here are some things that content creators can learn from Bad Lip Readings.

1. Incorporate trending topics. 

The maker of Bad Lip Readings is always on top of popular events. They are prepared to create a video at any given moment. Many of the most talked-about videos have an associated Bad Lip Reading within a week of the original event.

Stay on top of things that are happening in the media. By posting videos that are relevant, you will attract more viewers and be easier to find.

2. Find respectful humor in things.  

Bad Lip Readings are successful because of the hilarity of the content. By creating the most ridiculously random phrases to dub over someone’s mouth, Bad Lip Readings tickle a funny bone that most people don’t know they have. The maker of Bad Lip Readings has the power to make people look like they are saying anything. However, none of the videos cross a line to the point that they are offensive.

While creating comedic videos, make sure that you are careful with your words. Try not to offend anyone in order to keep your audience growing.

3. Pay close attention to editing. 

The most amazing aspect of Bad Lip Readings is the precise editing that brings the entire production together. Editing can make or break a video. Be sure to spend extra time making sure that each edit is perfectly smooth.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Corinne Rivera appreciates every type of music, which stems from her experience in dance and playing the guitar and the flute. She currently resides in San Francisco where she studies electronic communications, explores the city’s art, and attends concerts of all genres.

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