Getting Your Name Out With In-Person Promotion

The internet has revolutionized methods of self-promotion. No longer must musicians pay to have people listen to their music or put it on radio. There are so many channels for promotion that developing musicians can get lost behind a computer screens marketing their work online.

While internet promotion is easy and accessible, don’t forgot about in-person promotion. An exchange of physical material with real people is a great way to leave a lasting impression and build fans. To start, find places to put up posters of your group, perform at events, attend concerts, hand out business cards, and wear your group’s t-shirts to expose people to your name and brand.

Online promotion is great, but make sure you get yourself physically out there and meeting people. Face-to-face impressions and business cards create longer-lasting impressions than impersonal emails and page likes.

Learn more about low budget self-promotion at

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