Top 5 Reasons Why Viewers Love Fails

Fails are the most viral videos on YouTube. YouTube is not only a haven for the musically inclined but it is also a place where consequences of gravity, stupidity, drunkenness, and balance, make for a hilarious mix. What makes “fails” so hilarious?

In an anonymous survey of high school students, here are the top 5 reasons why viewers are driven to watch fails.

1. Provide a natural reaction.

Viewers love watching how other people react to things. When someone gets hurt, the resultant “oooohhhhh” and grimace makes it all the more funny. Fails get more views when the camera-person and the bystanders laugh and react.

2. Provide evidence of what NOT to do.

Many viewers of fail videos are looking for tips to help them improve their skills. Viewers see the consequences of doing a trick wrong and then adapt their skills to avoid a same result. YouTube provides fails of numerous motor sports, bicycling, skateboarding, longboarding, and racing.

3. Catharsis.

Catharsis is a sense of feeling relieved that it’s not you. Viewers of fails feel better about their day or themselves because they have either experienced a similar incidence or they feel relief that it didn’t happen to them.

4. Provide recommendations.

Viewers like watching fail videos to get recommendations of other fail channels. After a lengthy time of viewing, YouTube creates mixes of fails tailored to their likes. Use end screens, annotations, or create a playlist to ensure that viewers continue watching your content.

5. Provide a reason to associate with others.

Fail videos can provide viewers with a reason to associate with others. Viewers spread their opinions online and by word of mouth. A goal of all YouTubers should be to get their video shared by everyone that views it.

Some of the most popular fail channels are FailArmy, The Best Fails, Funny Vines, and Motorcycle Diaries. YouTubers can use fails to increase viewership.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Emily Thornton is an English Teacher who has a love of Journalism. She loves to read, write, and watch videos (music and fails).

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