Filming Music Videos On The Road

You don’t need to have expensive equipment to film quality videos. Smartphones are a good alternative because they allow you to create a video quickly and upload it online. When you’re on the road, consider using your smartphone to film a sing along on the tour bus, a quick update, or a major announcement. It’s a great and easy way to keep your fans up to date. Here are 5 simple tips to consider when shooting smartphone videos on the road.

Keep Your Phone Charged And With You At All Times: You never know when a “video worthy” moment is going to present itself. Make sure that your phone is always in your pocket and with battery.

When Filming – Keep It Steady: Try not to move around too much when you’re filming. Most smartphones don’t have built in stabilization like expensive cameras. Try resting your arm on a chair to avoid any unnecessary movement. If this seems to be a frequent issue for you, consider purchasing a tripod for your phone.

Know What You’re Filming Beforehand: Plan out what you’re going to film. If you’re going to be filming an interview, write down the questions that you’ll be asking. Give it some thought before you press record! You don’t want to waste time filming unnecessary material.

Focus On Lighting And Sound: The two main aspects you should focus on are the lighting and sound qualities. For lighting, take advantage of the natural light and film during the day. To improve the sound quality of your videos, consider purchasing an external mic for your phone.

Keep It Short: Try to keep smartphone videos between 2 to 4 minutes. Most smartphones have video editing tools, but you don’t want to be editing a 40+ minute video on a phone.

Shooting videos on the road is a simple way for you to interact with your fans. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on expensive equipment. Take advantage of your smartphone and film good quality content that you can be proud of.

If you’re interested to get your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans, click this link :

Luis Valle is an aspiring journalist. His passions include music, fashion, food, and collecting sneakers. He also enjoys traveling and exploring different parts of the world. The motto he lives by is this: “You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough”

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