Why Every Musician Should Be Using Periscope

The Periscope app is the latest purchase of mega networking service Twitter – and it is quickly rising in popularity. Celebrities, news outlets, and travelers are all using the mobile app for it’s unique streaming service. People from all over the world can stream events happening live. How should musicians get in on this action?

Stream Everything In Real Time

Apps with video capabilities like Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat all have one thing in common. They don’t stream. After only a few seconds, the video is finished and the user must constantly start fresh. With Periscope, users can record everything, in real time. This means fans are actually watching you play a concert as it’s happening. Take followers behind the scenes as you take a jog, walk your dog, and record in the studio. With no time limit, musicians can share as much or as little of their lives as they want.

Quickly Communicate

The coolest feature of this real time app – besides the awesome streaming – is the ability to read comments from fans as you record. You can actively discuss things without having to type anything. This isn’t anything new to live-chatting per se, but Periscope has made this simple to do in mobile. If you’re on the go, Q&A sessions become that much easier. Let fans share their opinions while you stream new album covers.

Build A Following

Your social media channels don’t have to be homogenous in content. Twitter and Facebook are great for official updates and images but I don’t want to follow you everywhere just to get the same things. What’s exclusive and unique to each account? Expand your fanbase in Periscope by posting content you can’t find anywhere else. Tweet everyone that you’ll be on Periscope playing brand new music. Create and connect with fans all over the world.

Use periscope to share AND follow what’s happening at the moment.

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Kathy Nguyen is a digital artist, aspiring entertainment professional, and lover of live music. You can find her tweeting her playlists, youtube-ing documentaries, and getting lost in your neighborhood.

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