The Do’s and Don’ts Picking A Good YouTube Username

There are YouTubers whose usernames are as famous as the stars themselves are: Zoella, PewDiePie, and many others. These users managed to pick the sort of name that sticks in viewers’ heads. Here are the do’s and don’ts of picking a good YouTube username.

DO pick something that’s easy to remember.

Rapper Matty B chose a YouTube name that would grow with him. Branded as MattyBRaps, he made his channel as easy to find as it is to remember. Make sure that your username helps viewers remember who you are.

DON’T pick a name that’s long or complicated.

If Matty B tried to restart his channel today, he might find himself confronted with the reality of an available username. However, instead of choosing the recommended “MattyBRaps12785,” he should come up with a new, unique name. For example, he could rename his channel “MattyRap.” Try not to include strings of numbers or words that are hard to spell in your username.

DO include your artist name.

Singer James Maslow gets straight to the point with his username. Simply titled “James,” his channel is named for exactly the purpose it serves. You most likely won’t be able to use just your first name as your username, but be sure to include your artist name so that fans can easily find your channel.

DON’T choose a name that has nothing to do with your music.

James Maslow could have just as easily given himself “JD Mazz” as a username. However, this wouldn’t make sense to new viewers who don’t know that this is one of his nicknames. Again, the main purpose of your username is to make your channel easy to find. Keep it to the point.

DO be creative.

YouTube musicians and comedy actors Veronica Merrell and Vanessa Merrell are identical twins. Rather than name their channel something like “VeronicaAndVanessa” or “VVMerrell,” they chose the unique monicker “merrelltwins.” Choose a username that highlights what makes your channel different.

DON’T go overboard.

It would have been all too easy for the Merrells to name their channel “VanessaAndVeronicaTheMusicalMerrellTwins.” Though this name is specific and creative, it’s too much. Keeping a name short and to the point should be the top priority.

Choosing a good YouTube username is important for making your channel memorable. By choosing something that’s short and catchy, you will assure that viewers remember your username long after the video ends.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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