3 Ways To Connect With Your Fans This Holiday Season

The holiday season is coming up. During this time, everyone feels the warmth and excitement of the holidays. There’s a sense of togetherness and joy. For musicians, it’s a great time to reach out to – and connect – with fans. Below are a few ways musicians can connect with their fans this holiday season.

Season Your Music With Holiday Spirit

Record a few holiday tracks, or put together a holiday album. Even better, write your own holiday song – this may even get you some new fans! When Mariah Carey released her track “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, the song became a big hit. Now, it has become the default background song for retail companies – and commercials – during the holidays.

Email Your Fans

Thank your fans for their support. Talk about any notable accomplishments, and include how much of an asset they have been for these achievements. What’s a musician without his/her fans? Include some sort of gift – maybe a free single or a sneak peak to your upcoming album. This a simple way to show your gratitude.

Run A Limited Time Sale For The Holidays

Lower the price of CD’s and music downloads. Offer coupons the week before Christmas. Not only will you get more sales, but it will also strengthen the relationship between you and your fans. This will definitely show holiday spirit!

There are plenty of ways to connect with your fans during the holidays. Use the upcoming holiday season to strengthen your relationship with your fans.

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Michelle Aguilar has a strong passion and love for music – and it’s history. She enjoys reading literary books, dancing, trip-hop/indie venues, working on her blog, and digging up new music. 

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