4 Things To Remember When Buying a Video Camera

A vital part of making YouTube videos is obviously the camera, but do you know what you should be looking out for when searching for your recording device?

Many just use their personal cellphones, but if you want that video and audio quality that makes the best YouTubers stand out, read this guide, and you’ll be on your way to getting the perfect shot.

1. What is your budget?

Unfortunately, quality comes at a price, and sometimes it’s a high one. The good thing is that for the majority of YouTube videos, the inherent compression and lowering of quality that the YouTube uploader imparts means medium range video quality will suffice.

So, don’t feel bad if you can’t afford a $2000 Nikon. When considering budget, remember it is an investment, and you are putting something in to get something back. If you think an extra $100 cost will bump up your quality that much, go for it.

However, if there is no notable gain, don’t be fooled by the urge to have the best equipment, especially if you don’t need it.

2. What type of videos are you shooting?

At first, this question might seem confusing because you are either shooting video or you aren’t. However, there are actually many different types of video capture you should be considering.

For example, a vlogger is going to want something that can be used on the go, preferably with some sort of stabilizing feature so the video is stable when he or she is walking. Some might want cameras that can capture video in slow motion, a unique effect that can be very interesting.

Others should consider a higher quality camera with a tripod if they want long, stable shots of a static area. Make sure to take this all into account.

3. How important is sound?

Sound is a huge aspect of video, and anyone putting content on YouTube who takes it seriously should have good sound quality. The first thing many viewers do when they hear static behind a video is turn it off.

However, there are many options here. Music producers obviously will want high quality sound, but for streamers this might not be such a big deal. Podcasts, on the other hand, want a mic or camera that captures their exact inflections.

4. What type of camera do you want?

There are a few options here. Something people often forget are cameras like a GoPro, which gives a point-of-view like action shot of everything you do. These cameras strap onto your body – usually your head – so your hands are free to ride a bike or scale a mountain or something suitably exciting.

The tripod comes up here once again. It is a critical element of getting a long, stable shot of something. The more casual video producer, however, can just use a Camcorder, which is a cheap option that is perfectly fine for homemade videos.

It can be scary to buy a camera for YouTube, and it might seem like a mystery. However, all any video producer is figure out the general elements you need in your camera: stable and quality or mobile and fast? Once you have this decided, it’s just a quick decision on budget, and you will be on your way to making great vids.

Above all else, remember that a video camera is a vital part of a YouTube channel, it is an investment, so don’t be afraid to buy what you need.

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Sean Harris is a writer in the midwest US who plans on majoring in computer science or physics at college. He enjoys listening to music, blogging, and reading.

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