Making Your Brand with Visual Impact

Music must be clicked on before it can be heard. To get your video clicked on you need to have better visuals than everyone else. Here are 4 tips to make your visuals the best they can be.

1) Use filters for higher contrast and brighter colors. Bright pictures stand out over grey, and blurred icons making it easier to see your art.

2) Work with high-quality images, rather than using editing to fix low quality. Don’t waste your time with low quality images, make sure your starting art is perfect before working on it..

3) Less text the better. A great picture tells a thousand words, that’s why it doesn’t need any. A good picture should stand for itself, and should not need any context or description.

4) Pick one thing or idea and focus on it. Must-click pictures have just one thing in focus for the visual impact.. Cut out anything that distracts from the image, too much noise in your picture can be distracting.

Great visuals will help you get your music noticed and clicked on. Don’t underestimate the power of a first impression when it comes to music.

For more kickass tips on music promotion check out

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