Avoiding Bot Websites!

botwatch_infographic01 This website (http://www.botwatch.com/) is determined to create an approach to avoid bot websites and help advertisers, musicians really ANYONE avoid them! Promolta is an example of a website that is the complete opposite of a bot website, we get you real views and real fans. We are legitimate! Here are tips to catch them and avoid them:

Defining Our Terms

First, what is a “Bot”? Bots are human-directed computer programs — often from viruses surreptitiously installed on hundreds of thousands of computers — that follow the bidding of a “botnet operator.”

“Botnet operators”: malicious actors that sell or run bot traffic to commit bot fraud.

“Bot Fraud”: (technically called “non-intentional traffic”) is when crawlers are used as if they were humans to view and click online ads, stealing money from advertisers and harming the advertising ecosystem.

The problem with bot fraud is that it cuts directly at the heart of what drives the internet – the fact that advertisers pay for placements that get their ads ‘seen,’ and publishers rely on the revenue driven by their quality inventory. But if an impression is served to a bot, no one is really ‘seeing’ it at all and money is being funneled into illegitimate hands. With estimates floating around that as much as one third of user traffic on the web may be fraudulent, the very metrics upon which we build intra-industry consensus can begin to feel a little wobbly. By shining a spotlight on the problem, we hope to eliminate bad impressions…while making GOOD impressions.

Their Approach

In order to eliminate bot fraud from the digital advertising landscape, we first need to understand how bots work. Our team of top ad quality engineers and scientists is examining the statistical signatures of correlated browsing across sites. Using big data, statistical algorithms and plain old sleuthing, we have been able to identify over a hundred signals that can illuminate how bot behavior differs from humans. Three of these signals stood out among the pack as particularly strong predictors of bot behavior.


sig1 Humans regularly visit a limited number of sites per day, so there is a low correlation between a set of users and the sites they visit. Bots, on the other hand, need to generate a reasonable amount of traffic in order to be profitable. Since there are a limited number of bots, they visit sets of sites with high regularity in order for their scheme to work. sig2 The browsing behavior of a single bot is much different than a regular human user. Mechanical bots are able to visit the same site in rapid-fire succession, with one second between “events.” However, their visiting patterns do not stretch over hours and days like humans do. We were able to identify a dramatic drop off in bot activity after the two-minute mark. sig3 Looking at user agents, or the distribution of browsers and operating systems among a site’s visitors, can help identify sites that are likely hotbeds for bot activity. Normal sites have visitors from a variety of browsers and operating systems while bots tend to use fewer or illegal user agents.    

Source:   http://www.botwatch.com/   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botnet#mediaviewer/File:Botnet.svg

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