How To Get More Views The Day You Upload

Recently, YouTube announced that it was experimenting with the way videos appear in users’ subscription boxes. Rather than appearing chronologically, the videos now appear in order of interest. Many vloggers feared that this would drive their views down because their videos would become harder to find. However, there are a few steps you can take to make sure your viewers know when you upload a new video and watch it as soon as they can.

Here are a few ways to get more views the day you upload.

1. Tweet before you upload your new video.

Sticking to a strict upload schedule will help your viewers know when to expect new content. However, time differences can make it difficult for them to keep up. To ensure your audience knows when to watch, tweet about new videos while you upload them.

Tweet a few hours and then a few minutes before each new video goes live to get your followers hyped.

2. Interact with viewers who comment on the video early.

The post notification bell was designed to alert subscribers as soon as you upload a new video. Encourage your viewers to turn on post notifications by interacting with those who comment as soon as the video goes live.

Wengie likes comments from viewers who comment “#wengificationswad” on her new videos.

3. Spend extra time on social media after your new video goes live.

After replying to a few comments on your new video, switch over to social media. When you post the link, interact with followers who like and share it.

Whenever Collins Key uploads a new video, he announced a follow spree on Twitter.

YouTube may be changing how it promotes your videos, but you can make sure your followers see new uploads first. Follow these tips to get more views the day you upload.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.


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