6 Unorthodox Ways To Promote Your YouTube Videos

You’ve mastered SEO. You never forget to include a call to action. You share your videos across every social media platform you can think of.

But have you tried any of these six unorthodox ways to promote your YouTube videos?

1. Sell branded t-shirts.

How many times a day do you walk by someone who has words on their shirt? You’ve undoubtedly stopped to read more than a few interesting t-shirts in your lifetime. So, why not make one of your own?

Start with an interesting logo. Make sure that it’s bright and colorful and that it includes your channel name. Be sure to have a different design or interesting catch phrase on the back as well. Next, stock up on t-shirts. There are plenty of websites that allow you to upload your own design and place a bulk order of t-shirts.

Once you have the shirts ready, wear one in your next video. To create more buzz, do a giveaway for your followers before stocking them in your online store. When other people see their friends wearing your shirts, they’ll be interested in checking out your channel.

Check out this video to learn how to design your own t-shirts online.

2. Create an online store.

Once your t-shirts have garnered enough interest, then you should start selling other products as well. Start with things that most everyone likes to wear, such as tank tops, hoodies, hats, and rubber bracelets.

Keep the designs simple and similar. When you start to receive a steady number of sales, then you can diversify into different designs and products. Ask your subscribers what kind of things they’d like to buy!

Watch this video to learn how to start your own online store.

3. Start a blog.

Making a video can take a few days, but writing a quick blog post only has to take a few minutes. To keep your fans engaged as well bring in new viewers, start a blog on which you post content that’s related to your YouTube videos.

If you’re a beauty blogger, then create a makeup review blog. If your film your own cooking show, then start a food blog. If you’re a musician, then blog about your daily life on tour.

Be sure to update your blog regularly and link back to your videos as much as possible. The people who start reading your blog will be interested in your video content, too!

Check out this video for tips on starting a blog!

4. Host a meet-up.

If you live near a major city, then you should definitely host a meet-up for your fans and followers! Research safe, affordable places to hold an event in your city, such as a coffee shop or park. Be sure to call the location ahead of time and make sure you have all of the proper permissions to hold an event.

Then, advertise! Post countdowns on social media and make several announcement videos. Make sure that your nearby fans know exactly where you’ll be and when. Show your excitement!

On the day of the event, bring along any products you sell, such as t-shirts and bracelets. Also bring along several friends that you know well and trust so that you’re not meeting strangers by yourself. If any of your friends or nearby YouTubers have been on your channel, be sure to invite them along!

Watch Alyse Brautigam from Raw Alignment announce her first meet-up!

5. Host a workshop or webinar.

What do you have to teach your followers? Set up a workshop or webinar to give them a closer look. This event will be like a live version of one of your videos. Though a workshop can only be attended by viewers within driving distance, a webinar will bring in viewers from all across the globe!

Be sure to have a plan of action as to how you’ll organize the webinar or workshop. Get all of the necessary information out well ahead of time so that your fans know when to show up or tune in.

Check out this video on how to host a webinar.

6. Start a trending hashtag.

Promote your next video with an attention-grabbing hashtag! Tell your Twitter followers ahead of time that you want to get a certain hashtag trending before you’ll post a new video. When other Twitter users see the hashtag trending, they’ll click on it and discover the new video!

Rather than using your channel name or video title as the hashtag, choose a relevant question or phrase. For example, if your video is about embarrassing childhood memories, then your hashtag could be #WhenIWas7 or #CafeteriaComedy.

Watch this video for great tips on trending something on Twitter.

YouTube video promotion isn’t limited to tags and social media shares. Try a few of these unorthodox YouTube video promotion methods to get even more views!

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link: www.promolta.com

Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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