5 People Musicians Should Connect With

As a rising musician, it’s understandable that you may not know where to start networking. The following five types of music promoters are people you should definitely keep in contact with.

1. Radio personalities

If you ever have the opportunity to participate in local radio station events or even just meet local radio presenters, seize it! Radio personalities have a grip on the local music scene, and they’ll definitely have local events for local artists. Even if the radio presenters you network with are college radio promoters, the open door is still there. Keeping in contact with these people is a great idea because most local music events are organized and/or sponsored by your local stations. So, always be on the lookout for radio hosts who may help you further promote your music.

San Francisco high school student Adriel Diaz was pretty much an unknown before he started working with 99.7 NOW, a local radio station. He seized the opportunity to partner up with the radio station, and he hosted a few local events as well as opened for big-name artists such as Tori Kelly and Kaelin and Miles. And to think this all began at a small radio station in the city!

2. Event coordinators

Event coordinators are the people who are always on the lookout for local talented musicians to perform live gigs, whether at restaurants, bars, weddings, parties, or other events. If you’re looking to book live gigs as well as promote your music, definitely network with event coordinators.

Many street performers, particularly classical instrumentalists, get scouted for weddings. The great thing about the events that these people will offer you is that you’ll most likely get paid for performing. Playing at these events will also help you get your name out there and promote your music.

3. Festival organizers

Recently, music festivals have grown immensely in popularity. Even small towns have begun to organize their own local gatherings for music-lovers. There are big-name music festivals such as Outside Lands and Coachella, but there are also smaller, more local festivals for budding musicians.

Getting in touch with your local festival organizers is a great way to book a gig that will help promote your music to a large enough audience. Music festivals also give you a good opportunity to hone your performance skills, and you will easily promote your music up on that stage in front of many people.

4. Vloggers/Bloggers

Today’s online content most commonly resides in YouTube vlogs and personal blogs. On plenty of blog sites and YouTube vlogs, you’ll notice that the music is from independent artists on SoundCloud. Partly because most people don’t want to bother with the copyright and licensing issues of popular music, they use more songs from underrated artists and DJs.

Folk music and electronic remixes are great examples of this, as plenty of blogs and vlogs contain SoundCloud links to these original songs from lesser-known artists. Getting to know these online content creators will definitely be a great step in promoting your music, as they can link you songs and social media in their videos and posts.

Louis Cole loves featuring underrated musicians in his vlogs, and he invites people to submit their original remixes to him by emailing him at submissions@funforlouis.com. He even specifies the genre of music he’s looking for, and he links every single song in his description box, which is great for the artist!

5. Other musicians

As a musician, you should definitely feel inclined to connect with other musicians, both to learn from them and work with them. By collaborating with other artists, you can further promote your music to their fans, and you can gain more musical experience. In building a network with these people, you’ll probably be invited to their gigs and asked to collaborate more in the future.

Jason Chen often collaborates with other musicians on his YouTube channel. These featured musicians also upload covers featuring him on their channels. This is a great two-way music promotion style that benefits both artists.

Using these tips on how to network with the tips in this post on who to network with, you’ll have the best tools to start promoting your music and honing your networking skills.

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Angelina Hue enjoys listening to a wide variety of music, from instrumental movie scores to alternative indie to Korean pop music. She also likes to make short films and write fiction.

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