4 Simple Ways For Musicians To Make Money

Nowadays, music isn’t the only way musicians are making money. Kanye West branched out into fashion. Tyga has his own clothing line. Rick Ross owns several Wing Stop franchises. With so many different ways of making money, musicians shouldn’t limit themselves to only selling music. Here are 4 simple ways for musicians to make money aside from music sales:

Merchandise: Brand yourself. Put your name on T-shirts, hoodies, jackets, hats, etc. The more stuff you sell, the better. Your fans will love having merchandise from you. Not only that, but a T-shirt with your name on it. Free promotion anyone?

Songwriting: If you write your own songs, consider writing songs for other artists.

Sponsorships: If you’ve built a fan base, some companies may be willing to sponsor you. Companies do this as it allows them the opportunity to get noticed by your fans. You get some extra money. The company gets free promotion. It’s a win-win.

Music Lessons: Teach others how to play an instrument. Know how to play the guitar? Offer private guitar lessons. Not only is it an easy way to make some extra cash, but it’s also extremely rewarding.

Music sales shouldn’t comprise 100% of a musician’s income. There are so many ways to make money. With the cost of living increasing everyday, we could all use the extra money.

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Luis Valle is an aspiring journalist. His passions include music, fashion, food, and collecting sneakers. He also enjoys traveling and exploring different parts of the world. The motto he lives by is this: “You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough”

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