3 Great Sites To Create Your Music Website

As a rising musician, social media is the key to promoting your music. However, you should also have a permanent place to put up your music and creative philosophy. This will help people browse through your overall artistry, and the following three sites are great for kickstarting your own website.

1. Wix

Wix is one of the easiest sites to navigate, and it doesn’t require any prior experience to create website using this platform. It is fairly simple in design, and anyone can use this to create a personal blog or website. You can use given themes, or you can pay for ones that come with a premium membership. One drawback is that the URL will be the email address you use to sign up. If you want to personalize the URL, you will have to pay.

Wix also has plenty of widgets and apps you can add to the pages of your site, such as a music player. This is probably the quickest site to use to create a website. Also, on a more technical note, the system gets easily wound up, so your computer will start to lag after a while.

2. WordPress

WordPress is the most common site people use to create their own blogs. It does take some time to get used to, though, and it helps to watch tutorial videos before diving straight into customizing. As with all blog sites, you can either use a free given theme, or you can pay for more elaborate themes. You will also have to pay either a monthly or annual fee to keep your unique URL, unless you use your email as your URL, like with Wix.

WordPress has a few more features than Wix, but they’re not essential features. Again, WordPress is a bit harder to navigate, but it is the most common blog platform, and it allows for a lot of your own personal customization.

3. Tumblr

Tumblr is a lot easier to use, but it does not give the user as much freedom as the previous two sites. The great thing about Tumblr, though, is that as a microblogging site, it’s a cross between Twitter and a blog. That is, on Tumblr, you are likely to attract many more followers than when relying on email subscriptions with the above two sites.

Tumblr is also a lot more personal like Twitter, in that you can reblog other people’s posts in addition to writing your own. This is a positive point because reblogging and liking other posts will help you build a following and put your name out there. Whereas the above two sites are more geared towards putting your content on your own blog, Tumblr leans more toward the social media side, as most Tumblr users reblog others’ content more often than posting their own.

In terms of design, it is very easy to navigate because there isn’t much room to create anything of your own from scratch. You can use given themes or take HTML’s from other theme blogs. You can add pages and post photos, “About Me,” and music, too. You can also customize cursors by finding HTML’s from the same theme blogs (or simply searching them up on Google). Tumblr doesn’t have widgets or apps to add on the side, but you can find HTML’s and themes with music players written in the code.

Based on how much time and effort you want to dedicate to making your website, choose one of the above three accordingly. Of course, it really isn’t that important what platform you use, but make sure you’re putting your best image on the website you choose to make.

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Angelina Hue enjoys listening to a wide variety of music, from instrumental movie scores to alternative indie to Korean pop music. She also likes to make short films and write fiction.

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