Promotion Tip Tuesday! YouTube For Musicians: The Advanced Guide

Promolta works closely with Youtube as it is one of the top, if not THE top music promotional platform for talent and musicians around the world. Promolta promotion experts have found a few good tips for users as preliminary steps before you start your campaign with us!

1. Get on established channels and reach more subscribers! 

Instead of adding your new video or song to your own channel, add it to someone else’s! A channel that’s already a big name in your genre, and one which has at least a few thousand subscriber who are all into the kind of music you make.

Channel owners usually aren’t musicians themselves. They often fall into one of two categories:

  1. Fans of the music, or
  2. Video makers / industry reporters.

Their channels are there to showcase music that they enjoy, or acts that will make their channel bigger. You get in front of an established audience, and they get more free content for their channel; it’s win win for both of you!

2. Gain more fans by doing cover songs! 

Cover songs are another great way of getting yourself in front of a lot of new people fast. If there’s a new song coming out by a big musician in your genre, chances are there’s going to be a big marketing budget behind it. Or at least a reasonable one. Once the marketing is in full flow and their video is playing on TV and song rotating on radio, fans of this musician will start searching on YouTube to watch it in their own time. This is where you come in.

By creating your own version of the song, unless there are a lot of other cover versions already out there, there’s a fair chance you’ll start appearing in the search results when that song is searched for. And once their fans finish watching the official video, a percentage of them will go on to watch your version of the song too. If they like it, that will lead to more subscribes for you.

3. But…make sure that step 2 is done legally! 

Recording and uploading cover songs to YouTube without the permission of the owners is not really allowed. In fact, it’s technically illegal.

As well as it being illegal, it’s in YouTube’s terms of service that you can’t do this. And while many musicians do cover songs without the permission of the song owner and often get away with it, this is a risky practice. Doing so can not only potentially get your YouTube account banned, but you could also face legal action by the song owners.

4. Get more of your Youtube videos seen using tags. 

One way to increase the chances of this happening is by using a few tags that are largely unique to you. For example, let’s say your music name is Doreen Greeney. What you should do is add your name and a couple of other similar tags to all your videos. For example, you may add:

Doreen Greeney

What this does is make your videos more relevant to each other, and increases the chances that they will show up as related videos instead of other people’s videos (which essentially takes eyes away from what you’re offering). You can add more than 1 tag too!



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