New York brothers Short Fuze (Leroy Brown) and Highrowglyphix (ShaQuille Brown) are quickly emerging as a celebrated rap duo through Conceptz. Both brothers collaborated in 2011 to advance their...
4 Japanese Instruments To Inspire You
From J-pop to the more traditional, a lot of interesting music comes out of Japan. This once-enigmatic nation chronicles its history through its music. Here are four unique Japanese instruments for...
How To Write A Grant Proposal For Your Music Project
Sometimes local arts grants will be available for musicians to apply. These can be especially helpful if your music occupies a niche market, or a specific underserved culture. If you decide to go...
4 Ways To Feature Your Music In Popular Gaming Channels
Gaming channels have been one of the fastest growing categories on YouTube. They present a new and valuable platform for artists and composers to market their music. Follow the below effective...
4 African Instruments To Inspire You
With its strong beats and hearty rhythm, traditional African music is ripe for inspiration. The historical and cultural importance of instruments can be infused into your next song with one of these...
5 Unique Marketing Strategies To Learn From Heffron Drive
Indie pop duo Heffron Drive has a social media presence as strong as its loyal band of followers. When they released “Rain Don’t Come” on April 7, the new single quickly became the band’s...
Five Tips For Writing a Great Rap
The genre of rap fills a unique niche in music history. For something that can sound so simple, writing a good rap is anything but. Here are five tips to get you started 1. Don’t sacrifice meaning...
YouTube SEO: The Ultimate Guide To Improve Your Videos’ Search Rankings
YouTube receives more than one billion unique visitors every month. Optimization can direct a huge portion of the traffic to your videos. Incorporate effective YouTube SEO strategies to enhance your...
5 Unique Ways To Promote Your Upcoming Album
The key to successful album promotion is creativity. The Internet has opened up endless opportunities for bands and artists to promote music. Adopt creative and unconventional strategies to build...
Top 15 YouTube Music Promotion Channels
Music promotion channels are YouTube channels that regularly upload curated new music. With a large network of subscribers, these channels are effective for artists to promote new music. Promo...