How To Use Music Production To Change Your Sound

Making music is both a highly rewarding and challenging process. It captures the joys of discovery, the embers of creativity, and the satisfaction of a task completed. Everyone’s process for making music is as different as their sounds, and there is no “right” way to do it. What is important is to continue to explore new sounds and to evolve your music into something new.

Here are some ways you can use music production to change your sound.

1. Adding effects

Adding effects is a blanket term of sorts when it comes to music production. Technically, everything you do in your editing software is adding an “effect” in some way or another. In this case, it simply means adding things such as distortion, or reverb, or a delay. These are a few of the simpler to use effects that can make drastic differences in how your music sounds.

2. Fading the equalizer

Adjusting the equalizer levels can bring out the different nuances of your sound that may be lost when playing live. When you boost the levels of the bass, for example, and drop the levels of the drums, the boosted bass might add some depth to your sound.

Another way to use volume levels is to fade the music across the right and left channels. By separating the individual tracks and fading them left or right, you can create an orchestral effect with your sound.

3. Adding more instruments

One of the beautiful things about music production is being able to add things that you’d never be able to live. Unless you’re a huge popstar, it would be almost impossible to have a live backing orchestra, but with music production software you can easily write and add in an orchestra piece.

You can layer different drum beats that you might not have recorded live, or you can even add in a simple guitar riff to the beginning of your song. Your imagination is the limit.

Music production in a lot of ways is one of the best things to happen to music. Yes, producing music has existed well before the computer age, but with the advent of computers, the capabilities of what you can do have skyrocketed. If you’re unsure where to begin, try using some basic effects, adjusting volume levels, and adding some simple instrumentals into your sound. You might be surprised at what you can actually do.

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Anthony Mauro is a San Francisco State graduate who splits his time between the Bay Area and San Diego. He spends his free time thinking long hair is cool, playing video games for an online audience, and writing short stories, comic books, and novels.

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