How to Start Vlogging

Do you love to talk about your life? Are you the best at telling stories? Are you the kind of person who enjoys the limelight? Then it’s time to start vlogging!

A vlog is simply a video blog. Rather than writing out everything that you want to say, you get to say it directly to a camera. Best of all, your vlog can be about anything you want, from your life, to your travels, to your favorite hobby.

Are you ready to start vlogging? Keep reading to find out how!

1. Focus on content rather than equipment.

Before beginning your blog, don’t go out and buy an expensive camera or any fancy equipment. The front-facing camera on your smartphone should be enough to start out with. A selfie stick should work for any different angles that you want to capture.

The main purpose of a vlog is what you say, not how great you look in high definition. You can always invest in better equipment later on, but as a beginner, you should start with the basics.

Vlogger Teala films most of her videos with her phone, selfie-style.

2. Decide what to vlog about.

Just like with any good YouTube channel, a vlog should have one main focus. Begin by making a list of the kind of content you post on your current YouTube channel or other social media. Then, narrow it down to the topics that you’re most passionate about. Finally, choose one.

The great thing about vlogging is that you get to make as many videos as you want talking about what you love. By picking one topic that you’re passionate about, such as travel, you’ll always have more than enough to say.

Canadian travel vlogger Christian LeBlanc created his vlog to share his story of leaving the corporate world to pursue his passion for short films. What story are you going to tell?

3. Create a separate YouTube channel for your vlog.

If you already have a YouTube channel established, don’t just throw up a few vlogs and hope they stick. Rather, you should create a separate YouTube channel for your vlog. This way, your content will stay better organized on both channels.

Use both of your YouTube channels to cross-promote each other. Encourage current subscribers to check out your vlog, and let vlog subscribers know about your main channel.

YouTuber Gabriella DeMartino has a vlog channel separate from the comedy sketch and beauty channel she runs with her sister. This way, she’s able to establish a presence of her own while inviting fans into her daily life.

4. Film, edit, and upload.

Now that you have your equipment in place, an idea for your vlog, and a new YouTube channel created, it’s time to smile and the camera and get filming! You should have a loose plan in place before you begin, but don’t stick scrictly to a script. Talk to the camera as if you were talking to a friend.

Once you’re finished filming, edit your vlog just as you would any other video. Then, it’s time to publish it. Before uploading your first vlog, you can tease it on social media or promise your other followers or subscribers an upcoming surprise.

Check out this vlog from the Vlogbrother’s Hank Green. Take note of how he isn’t afraid to talk about what’s important to him and is comfortable sharing his opinions.

Vlogging is a great way to share your thoughts, stories, and opinions with the world. Follow these steps to create a great vlog in no time.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.