How to Promote YouTube Videos With Twitter

Every 140-character tweet is another chance to reach potential new viewers. By sharing your videos with your followers, you increase your chances of getting more of them to watch your videos.

Follow these tips to better promote your videos with Twitter.

1. Tweet often.

Because Twitter is so busy, it’s easy for your followers to miss one short message. To make sure that you’re getting the word out, tweet between two and four times a day when you’re promoting a new video.

However, every tweet shouldn’t be the same. Mix it up with pictures, video clips, and trending hashtags.

Check out this video on how often you should post.

2. Invent your own hashtags.

To get your video in front of as many eyes as possible, get trendy! Come up with a clever hashtag to make your promotional tweet stand out.

You can use a catchphrase, a pun, or even a short quote that best describes your video.

This video will teach you about creating your own hashtags.

3. Interact with other users.

Don’t limit your replies to your followers. To draw more people to your Twitter page, interact with them.

If you see a conversation that’s related to your content, don’t be afraid to get involved and then send them a link to your video.

Watch this video for more tips on Twitter interaction.

Twitter is a great promotional platform. Follow these tips to get your videos trending.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

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