How to Jumpstart Your Entertainment Career With YouTube

YouTube has proven to be a boon for people who want to express their creativity and their love of whatever interests them. When these two goals align, they manage to create truly amazing projects which can even bring a great deal of attention from viewers.

Here are some ways to capitalize on YouTube’s premise.

1. Show off your skills.

The original intention of YouTube was for people to upload original videos about anything that interested them or anything they captured on film that was interesting. For people that want to gain attention and even fame, videos that display their skills and interests can be really helpful.

It can be the start of a career in that interest, like when composers upload original songs as part of their portfolio.

2. Talk about your favorite works.

YouTube can be a great place to display your love of a particular work of art, a song, film, or anything else. Whether you choose to make a flashy presentation or an analytical vlog about it, it can bring lots of views, likes, and even help other people find that particular work and get interested in it too.

One video reviews a recently released superhero film from Marvel, Doctor Strange.

3. See what happens when fandom collides with showing off.

With regards to the above two points, when you decide to both show off your skills combined with your fanboy or fangirl interests, you can create one great video. Said video can even be noticed by the official creators of your favorite work, to the point where they may show official recognition or even give you a job offer.

“Ryan vs Dorkman” is the combination of two special effects artists using their talents and combining them with their love of Star Wars, which led to a career in Hollywood.

YouTube is a website that awaits your creativity and can help you communicate to others about what you’re capable of. Don’t be afraid to show off on camera; getting attention is the point of the website.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Kevin Kwon is a recent graduate from UC Berkeley, currently 23 years old. He works in San Francisco and hopes to continue in the graduate studies regarding the field of psychology.

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