How to Improve Your Stage Presence

As a performer, your stage presence says a lot about your level of professionalism. Here are three easy ways to improve your stage presence.

1. Smile.

It’s no mystery that when you smile, you’ll instantly feel happier. When you feel happier, so will your audience. Your smile creates an almost magnetic draw for your audience, making you appear more like a friend than just a performer.

When Taylor Swift performs, the smile never leaves her face.

2. Get moving.

If you want to keep all eyes on you, then don’t stop moving. This is where a bit of choreography will come in handy. However, dancing isn’t the only way to move around on stage. Be expressive with your arms or the sway of your instrument. Jump, strut, and “feel” the music.

Watch how expressive Selena Gomez is with her movements even when she’s not dancing.

3. Engage with your audience.

Every fan sitting in the front row dreams of catching his or her favorite performer’s eye. Engage your audience by making eye contact, reaching out to touch their hands, or even walking through the crowd.

Heffron Drive’s Kendall Schmidt loves interacting with his fans from the edge of the stage.

Improving your stage presence will have a great effect on the way your audience reacts to your performance. Smile, get moving, and engage with your audience to put on a performance they won’t soon forget.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.

1 Comment

  • I do entertaining at senior homes,here in northern Mi., playing piano and harmonica to some good old time folk music. I like to engage them by inviting them to sing along and do requests. Thank you,

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