How YouTube Subscribers Can Set Up Email Notifications

Imagine if your fans automatically receive a nice email from YouTube every time you upload a new video. This would immediately spike your views and keep fans talking.

YouTube has a feature that allows this, but most people don’t know about it.

To set up email notifications to your channel, this is what subscribers need to do:

Step 1: Tell subscribers to visit your channel page.

Boyce Avenue YouTube

Step 2: Ask subscribers to click on the Gear icon next to the subscribe button below the channel art.

Gear Icon on YouTube channel

Step 3: Finally, instruct subscribers to check the box beside Send me all notifications for this channel.

Set email notifications

Subscribers tend to miss out on new videos due to several reasons. Either they are away from YouTube for very long or find it overwhelming to keep up with new uploads every day.

YouTube notifications help viewers to monitor new video releases. By setting up notifications, subscribers get informed every time a new video is uploaded to your channel.

Inform your subscribers about the email notifications feature to enhance engagement. Most viewers may not be aware of this useful option. You can use annotations or provide instructions to viewers in the description box. You could also post a short tutorial teaching viewers to set up email notifications. This way, you can get more traction for your new videos.

For example, below is a Bruno Mars cover song by Boyce Avenue. The artists have squeezed in a short tutorial at 3:58 secs showing fans how to set notifications for new uploads. This is something you can do in your next YouTube video to enhance views.

Spread the word about email notifications to your subscribers. Follow the above simple hack to get more YouTube views!

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Manasa Boggaram is a writer and has a strong passion for music, positive news and constructive journalism. When she is not researching story ideas or writing blog posts, she spends her time reading books, discovering new music and eating lots of street food.

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