4 Building Blocks of a Financially Successful Musician

Financially flourishing as a musician requires more than musical talent. A musician needs to spread a foundation in order to prosper.

Four building blocks for that foundation are:

1. Frugalness.

Just existing as a musician is expensive. Costs such as rehearsal rooms, equipment, recordings and touring are just the beginning to what will seem like an unending surplus for bank accounts. Learning how to be a stingy spender will take a load of stress off of musicians and allow for spending where the priorities lie.

2. Patience.

Musical careers are difficult to pursue for people who expect instant gratification. This career takes time and consistent effort. An understanding for long-term goals and positive self-talk will access musicians to consistent effort and hope.

3. Confidence.

Competition, criticism, rejections and performances are inevitable in musical careers. Building a strong base of confidence, maybe even borderline narcissism, is a good trait to possess because it may hold insecurity at bay and allow for persistence.

4. Communication Skills.

Musicians need to sell their music as a brand to venues, fellow musicians and (most importantly) their audience. In order to do this, they must properly deliver information and know the most effective way of doing so. Effective communication will pay off financially.

The collective skills of communication, confidence, patience, and frugalness will allow for those musically inclined to succeed!

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Roselie Kelly loves to explore and meet new people. She recently moved to Dublin Ireland, where she spends her time teaching English as a foreign language, running, picking up new hobbies and being a dutiful temp receptionist/runner/errand girl/cookie snatcher!

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