How IISuperWomanII Became a YouTube Icon

Lilly Singh, better known as Superwoman, is one of the most famous YouTubers of all time. With almost ten million subscribers, her channel name IISuperwomanII has become one of the biggest names among content creators. Here’s how Superwoman became a YouTube icon.

1. Her videos are relatable.

Superwoman makes videos that every single viewer can relate to. By voicing what everyone else is already thinking in series such as “Types of People” and “Annoying People,” she creates something that every viewer will love.

If you want to get as many viewers as possible, then you should make videos that will appeal to as many people as possible. Put your own twist on what everyone already knows by presenting your thoughts in a unique way.

2. She created iconic characters.

Lilly’s parents are nearly as famous as Superwoman herself is. However, rather than featuring her actual parents in her videos, Lilly often dresses up as larger-than-life versions of her mother and father. She’s even created separate Instagram accounts for her “parents.”

Create characters that your viewers will love. Take a step away from the idea of a film character and instead, think of it in terms of Saturday Night Live.

3. She spreads positivity.

More than anything else, Lilly seeks to spread positivity through her videos. She presents herself as confident and encouraging, not matter what the content of her video may be. Though her original content is what draws viewers in, her upbeat personality it what keeps them coming back for more.

Your videos should be positive. Viewers love entertainment that makes them feel better about themselves and the world. Rather than ranting or criticizing, you should always remain positive.

IISuperwomanII is one of the most popular YouTube channels because of its relatable videos, iconic characters, and positive message. Like Lilly Singh, you, too, can become a YouTube icon.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.


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