Do These 3 Things To Increase The Size Of Your Audience

On YouTube, your success is measured by the size of your audience. The more subscribers you have, the more views you get. The more views you get, the more money you make. Therefore, aside from creating high-quality content, your main focus should be growing and tending that audience like a flower garden.

Doing these three things will increase the size of your audience by introducing you to new potential viewers.

Collaborate on a series with a creator whose niche is different than yours.

Oftentimes, YouTubers collaborate with creators whose content is similar to their own. Two beauty vloggers may test a new product together, or a pair of gamers may go head-to-head in a popular MMORPG.

While such collaborations are fun to watch, these vloggers are likely to have a lot of crossover between their audiences. Viewers with similar interests are likely to already be subscribed to similar channels, offering these creators little potential for growth.

Therefore, in order to reach new viewers, your collaborations should put your content in front of a whole new set of eyes. You can do so by working with a creator whose videos are in a completely different niche.

To really intertwine your audiences together, turn the collaboration into a series. As your fans and your collab partner’s fans merge in the comments, encourage them to subscribe to both channels involved.

Shane Dawson and Jeffree Star became the unlikeliest of friends in a series they created together last summer. As comedy vlogger-turned-documentarian Shane explored the fast-paced, Gucci-clad world of Jeffree’s luxurious makeup mogul life, their fans fell in love with the story they told. Many viewers subscribed to both, and their channels grew exponentially.

Publish supplementary content on another platform.

Another way to reach new potential viewers is to publish a different kind of content on a platform other than YouTube. By creating something in addition to your videos, you can reach people who may not typically be avid YouTube fans.

The additional content you create should be complimentary to your YouTube videos. That way, your new fans can subscribe to your channel for more of the content they’re digging, not something completely different than what they’re interested in.

You could create a podcast, which is a popular choice among major YouTubers. For example, the Try Guys recently started their own podcast, the TryPod. Each episode is published on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc. as well as its own YouTube channel.

Guest star on other people’s shows, podcasts, blogs, etc.

Finally, to reach a completely different audience, venture outside the comfort of your own content. When authors promote a new book or actors promote a new movie, they travel for interviews, guest appearances, and fan events. As a content creator, you can do the same with fellow YouTubers.

If you have creator friends who run their own YouTube shows, podcasts, blogs, etc., ask of you can be a guest. Alternatively, if you have any offers for interviews waiting in your business email, accept them.

You can still find guest spots without personal connections or current offers. If there’s an online show or podcast you love and want to be on, then you should reach out to the creators via email. Tell them what you love about their content and offer an idea for how you could help make an interesting episode. You can also encourage your fans to tweet the creators and ask to have you on the show.

Rhett and Link host a lot of celebrity guests on Good Mythical Morning, including prominent YouTubers. Their episode with Colleen Ballinger was fun for fans of both channels to check out.

Growing your audience is all about getting your content in front of fresh eyes. Collaborate with different creators, publish supplementary content, and guest star on online shows.

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Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.