How To Turn Your Instagram Followers Into YouTube Subscribers

For many aspiring social media influencers, Instagram is the platform of choice. Not only can you post gorgeous photos on your main feed, but you can also share video clips, quick pictures, and music on your story. With your profile set to public, there’s virtually no limit to how big a following you can grow on Instagram.

However, Instagram lacks a few of the most important features influencers need, specifically the ability to monetize your own content. Though you can make sponsored posts with outside companies, there’s no way to make money from the original photos, videos, and stories you share.

Thanks to the many avenues in which creators can directly monetize their content, YouTube is a top contender for those in the influencer industry. If you have a substantial following on Instagram, then you can convert them into YouTube subscribers. Then, not only can you share more content, but you can also monetize it.

Put your channel link in your Instagram bio.

Your bio is like a billboard for your social media career. Anyone who sees your posts and comments can click on your username and instantly be transported to your profile. There, your bio is their main source of information.

Therefore, you should let new followers know about your channel straightaway by putting the link in your Instagram bio. You should also mention your channel in the text of your bio. For example, instead of just “model and activist,” your bio could say, “Model, vlogger, and activist. I upload twice a week!”

Tease video clips and behind-the-scenes looks on your story.

Use your Instagram story to share behind-the-scenes snaps while you film. Without giving away the whole video, tease your followers enough to create interest.

You can also upload small clips of the video itself once it’s been uploaded. Think of these clips as the teaser trailer for a movie.

If your profile is verified, utilize the swipe up feature.

There are two ways to activate the swipe up feature on your Instagram story. First, your account must be verified. Alternatively, if you run a business profile with more than ten thousand followers, then you can use this feature.

If you’re a able to use the swipe up feature, share links to your YouTube videos as soon as they go live. Follow the tutorial below to learn how.

Make a post every time you upload a new video.

Whether you can add links to your Instagram story or not, you should be making a new Instagram post to promote every new video. You can use your video thumbnail, a screenshot, or a completely unrelated picture.

The most important thing about this post is, again, your video URL. Share the link in the caption along with a brief description of the video it leads to.

Run a subscribers-only giveaway from your Instagram.

Giveaways are a fun, quick way to grow your following on any social media platform. Grow both your Instagram and your YouTube channel simultaneously by holding a giveaway. Host it on Instagram, but require fans to subscribe to your YouTube channel in order to be eligible to win.

Be sure to include a disclaimer as well. Let your followers know that the giveaway isn’t sponsored by or affiliated with Instagram itself.

Include interactions from your Instagram followers in your YouTube videos.

Finally, one of the best ways to get your Instagram followers to subscribe to your YouTube channel is to involve them in the creation of your videos. Use things like comments, polls, and DMs to feature your followers in new videos.

The recent “reacting to your assumptions about me” video trend utilizes the Q-and-A feature on Instagram stories.

After you’ve grown a substantial following on Instagram, turn your focus to YouTube for more monetization opportunities. Promote your channel on your Instagram to help both audiences grow.

Interested in getting your YouTube video discovered by masses of targeted fans? Click this link:

Kristen Harris enjoys listening to a wide range of music, from Taylor Swift to, on occasion, Celtic instrumental. She also spends her time writing, reading, and baking.


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